We aim to hold recruitment for level 1 paramedics annually and any recruitment rounds will be advertised on here and our social media channels.
If you are an East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) recognised Critical Care Paramedic (CCP) or a Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine (PHEM) doctor and interested in joining BASICS Essex, please get in touch.
Voluntary paramedic and doctor roles within BASICS Essex allow you to join the enhanced care team and undertake team shifts alongside our CCP's and doctors. Training will be provided. Currently the role is only for team shifts.
Applicants are advised that this role will not lead to sign off as a critical care paramedic, but the scheme will, for those applicants who are interested in pursuing this, support such applications. Further information on this will be provided.
We would ask for a minimum of 2 shifts per month.
If you are interested in joining, email your CV, intention to apply or any questions to